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Teacher Fran







Teacher Fran

AFDA film and media graduate, experienced with teaching children.


🔊 Native English speaker with Neutral accent

👦 English for Young Learners

🌍 International teaching background

Meet Teacher Fran, a dedicated and patient educator who loves teaching children. With her lively and positive personality, Fran effortlessly combines her patience with a passion for teaching. In her free time, she enjoys reading and writing, valuing a healthy and active lifestyle.

Fran holds a bachelor's degree in film and media from AFDA, School of Motion Picture. Her compassionate nature allows her to connect with every student, making them feel heard and valued. She has a strong work ethic and firmly believes in doing things right if they are worth doing.

With extensive experience mentoring and teaching students, Fran has honed her teaching skills to meet the unique needs of each child. Whether teaching one-on-one or in a group, she quickly identifies the best approach for each student, ensuring a comfortable learning environment while achieving excellent results.

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My reviews...

Jayee Ng

6 Jun 2023

平均評等為 4 ,滿分 5 分

Teacher Fran 是一位風趣、幽默、有耐心和關懷的老師,她很有耐心引導Jayee多表達,亦會跟她玩小遊戲令她放鬆,而在Teacher Fran 的課堂下,Jayee的英文有不俗的成績,Jayee很喜歡她,也很期待她的課堂,Thank you so much!

LAU, Charisse

25 Apr 2023

平均評等為 4 ,滿分 5 分

Teacher Fran is an enthusiastic and caring teacher. We are pleased to see the significant improvements of our girl. With the encouragement of Teacher Fran, my girl was shy in the beginning and now is much willing to speak and try. We look forward to see further progress of our girl with the guidance of teacher Fran. Thank you, Teacher Fran, you are a great teacher!

MUI, Hoi Ching (Esther)

26 Nov 2022

平均評等為 4 ,滿分 5 分

Teacher Fran is friendly and patient to Esther. She helps Esther to focus on practicing her weak area and build up her vocabulary base.

TAM, Sum Ning (Serena)

8 Nov 2022

平均評等為 4 ,滿分 5 分

Good teacher, taught with love and did try her best to teach and encourage Serena for blending words. Will apply for Fran’s class again in the future when Serena become older and suitable for attending online lessons.

WONG, Hoi Fung (Alton)

19 Oct 2022

平均評等為 4 ,滿分 5 分

Alton has attended Teacher Fran's lessonss for almost two months. He enjoys attending Teacher Fran's lessons because Teacher Fran has always been cheerful, positive and encouraging. Teacher Fran will provide feedback and think of different ways to increase the lesson efficiency and Alton's engagement level. Awesome!

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